Listing not showing in 3-day Window

Listing not showing in 3-day Window

My listing appears to be working fine except it does not appear when i search in a 3-day window in my calendar.


i have set the minimum booking to 3 days and have set it up to block out days either side of bookings but I still have a 3-day gap (plus two blocked out days either side)


However, when I search in this gap my listing doesn’t appear. It does appear when I search later in the year so my search filters aren’t the problem.


does anybody have any ideas?

4 Replies 4

@Warrick0 I am looking at the calendar for your listing, and I can't see any 3-day gap or window in your schedule. It looks like you have all open days from Mar 6 onward.


What dates are you referring to?


How are you doing your search?

Hi Matthew, thanks for taking the time to respond.


i was a bit premature because at the time i

posted the second booking was just preapproved. However, now it’s been approved but I still can’t see my listing when i search between the 6-8th of March, when it should be available to be booked

Hi Matthew, I think i’ve solved my issue. I have a 3 day minimum stay so I was searching 3 days (and 2 nights) but the minimum is for the number of nights I.e 3 nights/4 days. All makes sense now 

@Warrick0, I'm glad you figured it out!


The day vs night issue can be very confusing. Whenever possible, I try to only refer to nights; it is the clearest when talking about making reservations.