Listing booked but host dropped from Airbnb and was not notified about our reservation

Level 1
Mount Laurel, NJ

Listing booked but host dropped from Airbnb and was not notified about our reservation

Hello all! This past summer my friends and I confirmed a booking for an airbnb in Las Vegas for this coming weekend (Thursday to Monday). However, sometime in the past year the host decided to cancel his account and delete his listing with airbnb prior to our arrival. According to the host, Airbnb did not contact him to let him know that someone (us) had booked his listing and by deleting his listing and account he would be cancelling our reservation. The host then deleted his account and listing, indirectly cancelling our reservation. We did not receive a notfication that our reservation had been cancelled and only noticed the change today.


Airbnb has offered us monitary compensation and a refund but I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else. bnbs are limited for this weekend in Las Vegas and we are struggling to find a new place to stay. 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

hello @Michael1775 ,

Normally a host can not deactivate a listing when there are reservations:

It seems unlikely the host did not know there was a reservation. And it is also strange you did not recieve any notification about the cancellation. But maybe it is a glitch in the system, then Airbnb should work on it.

best regards, Emiel