Instant booking

Level 1
Somerville, MA

Instant booking

I have instant booking on. Do I have time to check the person's profile and cancel their reservation if I don't feel like hosting them?

I ran into several unpleasant situaitons and I would like to avoid it in the future.


Of course, I could cancel "instant booking", but it does attract more customers.


Is there some middle ground solution?




3 Replies 3
Level 10
Stonington, CT

Instant booking allows you to decline if you can provide a good reason.


I've yet to decline anyone on Instant Booking but my understanding is that if you decide to decline,  you can check off a box that says you're not comfortable with the person.


I don't know if you'll be required to explain why the discomfort, but others who have gone through the process may be more helpful.


Plenty of people have an issue with IB and others don't.  I think different parts of the world are better suited to vetting thoroughly before accepting a reservation, but I live in Snoozeville and our idea of excitement is when Mrs. Hermann's cat gets out and starts attacking the dogs in the hood.



Thank you for your advice!


Do I have time to say that something doesn't feel right? a.e. "I am uncomfortable" for whatever reason?

Last time, after the person called me and we talked on the phone, I realized that somehting is wrong with him . . .

but I didn't have time to cancel . . .


I love that seen with cats anf dogs! May be I should be moving to your parts 🙂





Level 10
Vancouver, WA

@Katya11  A middle ground is adjusting your Instant Book settings - you can select that, in addition to being verified, your Instant Book guests must also have ID and/or have been recommended by other hosts.