How to see who put me on his Wishlist

Level 10
Kaisersbach, Germany

How to see who put me on his Wishlist

I would like to see who put me on his wishlist. Is there a possibility how I can see it?

4 Replies 4
Level 10

@Lucas-Aurel0 No this is not possible, not at the time being. 

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

I'd like it too, but that's impossible.

Not possible at this time. Just for fun, I sometimes Google for "wishlist + name of your listing + city" (fill in name and listing) and I get a few hits. Doesn't give a full list necessarily but still nice to get some idea of who's saving your listing in their wishlist...

@Philippe37 This is actually quite a good advice! It never occured to me, but I tried it, very interesting 🙂