How best to cancel without losing credibility?

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

How best to cancel without losing credibility?

I have a booking for Thursday. But now I have to travel away for work. 

I ofeeres to find alternative accommodation but nothing in the area for a similar budget is abailable and none of my friends are able to help. 

I offered to have my mum open up for the guest but where she originally wanted to arrive at 7 it's now 9 which is after my mum's bed time. 

3 Replies 3
Level 2
Arnhem, Netherlands

I wouldn't cancel this short to guests arriving, so I would look for a solution:

- Do you have a neighbour where you can leave the key.

-Is it possible to leave the key under the welcome mat/ in a key-box? And just leave a very detailed welcome letter. 

-Have you asked another Airbnb host in your neighbourhood for help or perhaps here in the community centrum. There are some hosts who offer themselves as a co-host. 

-Is there a company wich services you can hire?





Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Aaron141


I agree try your best not to cancel.

As you know you will be penalised by Airbnb and you will put off future guests who see a last minute cancellation.


Why not have a lock box near your entrance and then the guests can let themselves in and out.


If you have a guest book in your home which describes issues such as using the TV, microwave, shower, local recommendations etc  guests  can figure out how your home works.


Pay a local host to be on call if there are any issues.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Aaron141  Are you comfortable with a stranger in your home without your being there?  If not, then you need to have someone stay at your place while you are gone.  If you cannot accommodate this guest due to a small change in arrival time, you might have to just suck it up and cancel.  


You might consider changing your open ended check in time.  That way you can make an exception if you wish but your rule would be a basis of cancelling a booking if a guest changes the check in time after your posted check in window.


If your work requires you to be called away on a short notice, you probably need a plan B for your listing.  Last minute cancellations are definitely not fair to the guest, which you apparently realize.  Good luck!!