Guest reservation

Level 1
San Francisco, CA

Guest reservation

A guest is trying to book my apartment for 2 nights.

It shows the cost and cleaning fee of $690 and $21 service fee.

When she is booking, her total cost is $864 which is more than she wants to pay.

Where are the extra fees coming from and why is she being charged $864?

How do I resolve this so her costs are only $711 which is shown on my account?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Austin, TX

For one thing, the guest's service fee would be a lot higher than $21. That's *your* service fee. (3% of $690 is $20.70, which AirBnB rounds up to $21.) The guest's service fee is more likely 10-12%, so $69-83. I know that still doesn't explain the discrepancy, but without knowing the dates the guest is trying to book, that's as much as I can figure out.


Is the $711 that you see your "payout"? If so, keep in mind that your payout (after your 3% fee) will never match the guest's full charge (which includes their 6-12% service fee). All that said, the discrepancy you mention still seems like something is wrong. If you do figure this out, I'd be interested in hearing the details.