Guest has a multiple unfortunate accidents unfolding

Level 2
St Paul, MN

Guest has a multiple unfortunate accidents unfolding

I need some advice...

A guest booked my Garden Apartment for 28 days to be near a son who lives in my neighborhood who was going through chemo. She never showed up and three days into her stay I called her to ask whats going on. Her husband fell, wrecked his shoulder, while in hospital had twisted bowel and then the day they got home, she had a heart attack!!! She was so nice, but she never asked to cancel her reservation and has offered my place for her son to use as a quiet get away from his kids when he is needing it.He has messaged me when he stayed once but I do not know their plans. Should I offer some sort of refund or suggest they cancel their reservation? I am concerned that if that is what they intend to do after the stay is over-since they dont seem like they will be using very many of the 28 days, I will lose the opportunity to rent to someone else. Should I just keep quiet and let the days expire or be compassionate and suggest a way to recoup some of her rental fees. I have a moderate cancellation policy.

thanks for any opinions,



**Title updated


















4 Replies 4
Level 2
Mambajao, Philippines

I have a similar problem and have been trying to connect to AIRBNB. I do not get a response

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@MariaTeresa29 Click the link for ways to contact airbnb, Twitter is supposed to be good.


Thanks Jeff, but I have no twitter. I did use the contact AIRBNB link and even the emergency link but no response

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Chemo side effects get worse the further into it you are so he may stay there more after the next infusion. I guess your guests could get a retroactive cancellation for extenuating circumstances but since the son used it, I assume it voids that option for them