Guest expects refund

Level 10
Port Angeles, WA

Guest expects refund

This is a cautionary tale. I had a guest arrive on Thursday, and as soon as I met them I got a negative vibe. They were kind of demanding and asked lots of questions, but when I tried to go through my spiel with the house tour they weren't paying attention, just kept talking to each other and not really paying attention. Also, they showed up with three people, when they only booked for two. But she had come for the birth of a grandchild  (her daughter was in and out of the hospital with false labor) and I figured it was probably a chaotic time for them so I let it slide. My husband saw them in passing a couple times and said hi. Then they contacted me this morning to tell me that they were leaving early, and asked if I could come down to chat. When I got there they said they were checking out because of an ant infestation, and they wanted all of their money back. This has never happened before so I was certainly freaked out. They stayed three nights, and didn't mention a word about it, but said it was a problem the whole time. I asked why she didn't let me know right away so I could do something about it (they were gone all day every day, would have been easy enough to do a bug bomb) or at the very least get them out as early as possible to take stronger measures. She said that she thought it would "get better". Then she said, "I don't want to ruin your reputation, so as long as everything goes well with the refund, I won't leave a bad review." Oh, and she also booked for two guests but showed up with three people. I called Airbnb to get the refund scheduled and they wanted to know every detail, were obviously VERY reluctant to issue a refund. I said I just wanted to refund the money and get them out of there so they wouldn't leave a bad review. She asked why I was so concerned about that and I told her, and she said that was extortion. The guest didn't actually say, "give me my money back or I'll leave a bad review", she said "As long as everything goes well with the refund I won't leave a bad review", so not sure if that counts as extortion or not, but it certainly made me worried. After they left I went in and there were quite a few ants (not "literally falling from the ceiling and crawling from every crack" as she had claimed) but there were crumbs EVERYWHERE! She specifically mentioned ants in the bed, and the bed was just FULL of crumbs. They had a four-year-old little girl and they obviously let her eat in the bed. We live in the country, and if you leave food mess everywhere, it's going to attract ants, especially in warm weather! Anyway, Airbnb said that they were not going to refund for the nights she stayed because she didn't give the host an opportunity to make things right, she showed up with an extra guest, and she made a comment about a review being contingent upon a refund. Apparently they are very, very reluctant to refund money for nights already stayed. Then Airbnb said that if she does end up leaving a bad review, to contact them so that they can assess it. Anyway, we'll see what happens but I have to say that I have learned, 9 times out of 10 when I get a vibe about a guest, it turns out to be right. I wonder if I will have the opportunity to leave a review about her, and if so, should I?

16 Replies 16
Level 10
San Marcos, TX

This sounds like the lady who eats the entire pie. When she is finished, she then complains that she didn't enjoy it.

Level 10
Memphis, TN

Level 10
Memphis, TN

You should especially leave a review under these circumstances.
Level 10
New York, NY

Just so you do not feel bad about judging them, that is the definition of extortion. She threatened to hurt your business if she doesn't get her money back. And yes first impressions and gut instinct are proving to be vital to me. I'm realizing you can sense a headache from the first messages. Another poster stated once if a guest is a headache before they arrive, they are certain to be a headache once they arrive. Those words are starting to ring very true to me. From now on when any dialogue begins with can I check in early, and check out late, and can you give me a discount. I'm no longer interested. If it starts with hello, I am traveling to your city with my... we would love to stay at your home - that's a MUCH better sign.

Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Leslie7 Love this ant story! We've been having a heat wave where I'm located and the ants want to come in the house for water or to just get out of the heat.  

I've had to resort, relunctantly, during check ins to advising guests not to leave food around anywhere as it will attract ants.  I'm convinced that ants are the smartest creatures on earth and will swarm in a moment's notice.  

Oh, and have to ask guests not to leave screen doors open at night so the mice don't come in either!

Country living...aint it great!

So glad Airbnb has resolved this for you!





I just had my ant problem gals try to extort for a full refund for their three day stay. They are scammers. They got previous host to give a second free weekend stay because at first booking the hot tub did not work. These types look for a flaw, blow it out of proportion  and ask for a refund AND leave a bad review. Ugh.

Fortunately most guests are grateful for the travel rest stop!

Not sure how to avoid these creeps. Seems like they are clever at manipulating the platform.

Level 1
Saratoga Springs, NY

Yeah...a henny-penny..woudn't ever have them back!

Level 1
Tampa, FL

Leslie, your guests must be related to a young couple I had last month. The story seems so similar that I’m wondering if they read your story before using the same details. My guest are 18 & 19 yrs old they come in for a concert, I take them out to dinner, offer to pick them up & drop them off for the concert. After the 2 day event they realize they have another 2 days before leaving but are unable to rent a car. On day 3, I pick them up & take them for fresh doughnuts & Krispy Kreme, drop them off again...all is well. On day 4 I get a message saying they could no longer tolerate the bugs on the bed & pillows, and they are forced to leave. They would be spending their last day in Orlando (im assuming they took a bus) and expected a refund. Here's the icing...."we left your house keys on the bed with some chocolate bars we no longer wanted"...hehe. When I got there the box of doughnuts I got them the day before together with every other left over, were underneath the bed. I took me 2 days to be able to respond to this kids request without saying what I really wanted. I kept it short & to the point....request denied. They can write to whomever they want....that said, it has been my only hick-up. I've met amazing kids, families, young adults & seniors that I proudly call them friends thanks to Airbnb. So...listen to your gut but don’t let it change you.


Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Excellent response from Air! Very good indeed. Eating in bed - bad move. More guests - bad move. Extortion (and it definitely was) - extremely bad.

No need to bugbomb for ants, just remove source and ants disappear. A scout ant will find a grain of sugar and they all come on their tiny little legs trying to unscrew the jar.

Level 10
Rhinebeck, NY

So my question is - when you meet a guest at the door and get a bad vibe - then what do you do?



@Jude0, at the door, it all depends. But I think most people are talking about getting a bad vibe during communications before booking or before arrival.
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Jude7, I smile and go through the greeting process. Then on my way out to my car I take down their number plate. Not sure what good it would do me but I have done it on a couple of occasions and it has made me feel better.

I have only had tricky guests on a handful of occasions, most before Air and one after.

I think a good idea is to maintain a conversation through the Airbnb platform throughout their stay. The problem is that quite often guests don't have their settings made to notify them through text or email of messages, and they actively have to check their inbox through Airbnb in order to get the messages. As a result, quite often they don't respond. Regardess, if you do check in with them several times, as in "just checking in and making sure you had a good night, let me know if you need anything" and they don't respond, and THEN come up with a complaint or refund request after the fact, you have proof that you gave them ample opportunity to mention any kind of problem so that you could correct it.

Level 10
Port Angeles, WA

Well, I ran into my ex-guest downtown (it's a small town) and my initial opinion has been confirmed. It was fourth of July and parking is hard to come by on the parade route, and she parked her truck right on the city pier, in a non-designated parking spot, blocking the way for foot traffic. She left it there ALL DAY! She just created her own parking spot, even though people were walking blocks to get to the parade. Hopefully she got a ticket! Also at the kids festival that was downtown I watched her cut in line with her grand daughter at the cake walk. One of those people who feels entitled to more than her fair share, apparently.