Guest can't get here...

Level 1
Oban, United Kingdom

Guest can't get here...

I have. A guest booked in Themis evening but they have just called to cancel this evening (still want room for tomorrow night) ...

There train has broke down and they are now going to miss the last ferry and bus connections..

Do I have to refund for the 1st nights stay?? 


Many thanks in advance

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Louise411 ,

These transportion problems are not caused by you. Guest should have travel insurrance for that or seek compensation from the transport companies.

best regards,


Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom


If you have checked with Scotrail there was a train breakdown ( look up the Scotrail site for news of disruption) and if  this is what has happened this evening,  then....


I would refund them 50% of whatever your cancellation policy is for this one night only with, no more, further cancelled nights, as a goodwill gesture.


I would Phone the air bnb number in London and explain this is what you want to do,after their departure at the end of their second night stay.

Id let air bnb communicate directly with guest.


If they cancel both nights, then I would implement your cancellation policy in full unless more train cancellations occur due to Scotrail cancelling.


Its really up to you, whether you think they should have travel insurance, it’s nasty weather etc and decide accordingly.


Tonight the weather girl, Heather,  is saying it’s “ blawn a Hooly on the west coast”....


the dour embarrassed soor puss brigade always hovering somewhere waiting to be offended by more...Och aye the Noo.....”Soz” but it’s even finding its way into, BBC Scotland.......Jings, Crivens and help ma Boab 😉







Level 10
СПБ, Russia



Have the guests reguested an amendment to their booking or just informally told you they won't make the first night.? If it's an amendment, it would mean a refund but only if you decide to accept it.


If it's just informal, perhaps one way of looking at it is not to mention or discuss a refund unless the guest specifically brings up the topic themselves or unless you wish to initiate a refund out of goodwill.


If they do bring up the first night, you can negotiate anything from 1 to 100% of the amount of the first night. There is no purpose to contact airbnb over this as Victoria suggests to issue a refund, easily done yourself.



Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


we had situations when guests couldn't arrive the first night. None of them asked for a refund and we didn't offer any because it was not our fault. As @Emiel1 said: Guest should have travel insurrance for that or seek compensation from the transport companies.