Duplicate listing ??

Level 4
England, United Kingdom

Duplicate listing ??

IMG_2610.PNGI received this message from a prospective guest today , I can't find the listing in the message though ? 

8 Replies 8
Level 10
СПБ, Russia

It is a scam - the link is not for an official airbnb.


The link will take you off-site and invite you to re-enter you password id. The scammer is attempting to steal from you ,your sign-in details.

They will if successful hi-jack your site, probably to proceed to launder money from a stolen credit card.


Ignore this request, it is not a genuine enquiry - but you should click the 'red flag' to report this scammer masquerading as a guest.

Otherwise if you have entered your details, contact airbnb immediately.



Well known scam, gets mentioned here quit often.


How do I know which one of the two listings is the correct one?


I have looked everywhere for a phone number or a way to contact AirBnb directly.  All I find are "suggestions"


Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


Try this link Gail, it is by one of our highly valued contributors and it will give you complete contact information for Airbnb.



Level 4
England, United Kingdom

Thank you for the heads up 

Will you be able to show me how to delete the duplicate - one listing allows pets, the other does not.  I am afraid that if someone books each of the listings, someone is going to be very unhappy.  


Level 1
Wimberley, TX

I would recommend not approving that reservation request.  It seems to be from Airbnb but they do not ever require that you re-enter your information - if you do, it will take you to a different (but not official) web page that will ask for your payment information.  Then it is gone.  I am trying to find out from AIRBNB how to delete the unofficial/illegal/scamming web site.