Calendar blocked - Why can't i ask Air BnB for help??

Level 1
Fowey, GB

Calendar blocked - Why can't i ask Air BnB for help??

My calendar seems to be defulat blocked from September. Why is this and how can i change it?

also how can i ask Air BnB for help

4 Replies 4
Level 2
Las Vegas, NV

Customer Service - 1-855-424-7262

Hi @Sinead1. Go to your calendar, then click on "availability settings" in the upper right corner.  Go to "booking window" and see if you have "all future dates" open. 

Thanks, i've tried that, it makes no difference - everything September onwards is blocked out and the rest is only open for bookings as i manually did each month


its driving me nuts - i have two listings and the other one is fine.

Level 4
Medellín, Colombia

It would be great if you can attach a picture showing your calendar.


My best guess would be the booking window. But you said you have "all future dates" option. It may be a synchronization with another calendar, but a screenshot would help us to check it.