Asking guest to pay more after the visit due to incorrect guest numbers in the original booking

Level 2
United Kingdom

Asking guest to pay more after the visit due to incorrect guest numbers in the original booking

We have only just realised that our first ever guest didn't get charged the full amount as he didn't book for two guests. We were of course fully aware of there being two guests, but airbnb only paid out for one. Is it too late now to go back (after a month) and charge for the second guest in the twin room?





2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Afraid so - it's an honest  mistake that we have noticed a few people make - espeically those new to AirBnB. We always check in our first email how many people....then they can alter their request if necessary. 


We had a similar event, a woman turned up with her Mum. Both from China - we let it go....and they were lovely guests anyway. 



Level 10
Delft, Netherlands

@Janie, I agree with the previous response. My own strategy is to charge a fee that covers 1-2 persons (I offer a double bed in one room).

It's still a very reasonable price, even if it's only for one guest.