Are infographic "photographs" allowed?

Level 5
Lancaster, PA

Are infographic "photographs" allowed?

I'm frequently asked "How close is your house to (fill in the blank)?". People want to know how close the house is to various regional attractions, museums, facilities, and even other cities. Even if I included that info in my description I'm fairly certain only a handful of people would notice it.


What I'd like to do is create some infographics (images) that depict in a visual manner how close my home is to various destinations. I'd like to include those infographics along with the photographs of my property.


I can't find anything in Airbnb's policy that would prohibit me from doing so, but I wanted to run this past the masses to see if anyone has a definitive answer.


Here's an example...Lancaster County Infographic

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Como, CO

Looks good to me.

Level 5
Lancaster, PA

Is this the wrong place to ask this question? I appreciate the one response I received, but it doesn't really address the question asked.

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands



I have a number of aerial pics with text and graphical additions, a couple graphicals, and description text right on most of my other pics, and never had a problem.

A while back a host posted on this forum that Airbnb's text-checking software seems to recognize if there is contact info or other content on the images. Do I know for sure? No.

Helpful! Thanks!