An open letter to the airbnb "community."

Level 10
New York, NY

An open letter to the airbnb "community."

By every measure I have surpassed the qualification standards required to meet Super Host status on October 1st and I continue to maintain steller stats. Yet airbnb has so far denied me a badge. First they stated the NYC hosts are undergoing a manuel review and it will take 2 extra weeks. Then they stated since only 79% of guests left a review I do not qualify. After I questioned that reason which you all know is not a standard, they now just flat out deny me the badge saying  wait until the next review period.


Now I can only wonder why I am being discriminated against. Is it my ethnic last name? Is it because I live in Harlem? I would just love to know the reason. Or is it because I am an outspoken member of our host community insisting that airbnb treat us hosts with the dignity and respect we deserve? It's now two weeks past when I should have recieved the badge and despite different unvalidated or an outright wrong excuse so far I am still given no valid reason. This should concern each and every one of us hosts. 


We are airbnb






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9 Replies 9
Level 10
New York, NY

I would like to update you all. I very speedily heard back from airbnb corpoate this sunday morning, informing me they will be looking into it, to see whats going on. So that is a plus for the airbnb higher ups!


A small gesture that makes me feel a bit better about airbnb.

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

@Ephraim0 please don't let this worry you. I seriously doubt your name or location have anything to do with your lack of superhost status. I believe they have already given you the reason - not enough guests left you a review. If you want to help resolve this issue - mention to your guests that you would appreciate if they can review you as this helps you as a host and other guests looking to choose somewhere to stay. I do this and I have only had one guest this year who hasn't left a review.


Please don't be frustrated. You have a lovely home and lovely reviews - and a great location. This is what counts most for your guests.


Superhost is a fairly meaningless badge that BNB has created. When I ask my guests none of them notice that I have superhost status or even know what it is.


Keep on doing what you are doing  so well and enjoy your hosting experience.


(sending you a virtual New York lovely host badge 🙂 )







Hello @Helen3 @Mark26


Thank you for your kind comments. I also doubt my name or location has anything to do with it. My comments were written more to be provocative than anything else, and my point was what could possibly be the reason? Its not an oversght as I have brought it to airbnb's attention, yet they supply no reason. And as of late they have just basically supplied me with the reason "because we say so" and I don't think that's right or by any standard a reason. Cerainly on my newest listing listing there are less than 10 reviews however I have over 30 reviews all at 5 stars except for one.  I have read enough posts to understand that the badge is virtually meaningless, however I take offense simply on principal. I treat my guests with love dignity and respect simply because they are in my country, state, city, and most importantly to me, they are guests in my home, and I am their host.  I care for each of them with the same consideration I give to freinds and family when they stay in my home. And I do it because my parents raised me by example to make all guests feel at home in every way, including their comfort, and their security.


Love the virtual badge by the way @Helen3.




Level 10
Melbourne Beach, FL

I've been a "Superhost" since AirBnB started giving out their stupid "Superhost" status.  I can't think of one thing it has done for me.  (Other than giving AirBnB customer service people an additional layer of gratuitous script to read in their opening greeting on the phone....   "Oh... By the way...  I see that you are a Superhost.  Congratulations on that!")  You get a Badge.  A Digital Badge.  It isn't something you can hold in your hand or staple to your chest with an airgun or anything like that.  It is a stupid Digital Badge. 


I wouldn't worry about it. 

But doesn't that stupid digital badge determine your position in search results?  There are articles that state that superhosts do earn significant more $$$$ than non-superhosts.  It makes a difference to me. 

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I must only just be scraping by, I have a lot of guests not leaving me a review at all.

Level 10
Prescott, AZ

Hi @Ephraim0 , your screen shot is too small, can't see any of the details, but it sure looks to me like you got all green check marks in place. Even if I subtract the October reviews you got from your second and third listing with 17 and 14 reviews right now, clearly on those two, you still had over 10 reviews before Oct. 1 = enough to qualify , as well as the 79% you say you got as percentage of guests who reviewed.  Makes me wonder about the wording "account in good standing" in the list of requirements: maybe you have been a bad boy??? ( just kidding!!)


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So yes, I agree about going by the principal, and it needs an answer. But I also agree with @Mark26 : That badge is a bunch of hot air, it makes no difference to prospective guests, it just makes hosts anxious. And aside from wondering why one hasn't gotten it, the next concern will be : geez, I need to prompt my guests to leave me a review so I won't fall under the required 50% review rate - not only that, but it needs to be a 5 star review! 

As @Sandra126 mentioned,  it also is my experience that  less andd less guests  are voluntarily leaving reviews these days: they also often don't have a profile, they probably look at Airbnb as just another booking site, and why leave a review if all was well?  I sure hate prompting my guests to leave a review,  and then tactfully make it clear to them that it actually needs to be a  5 star review??

I haven't done it so far - I prefer to respect their decision, but then I get  a "reminder" by Airbnb to prompt them. What a circus, all about nothing... Not true, actually : it's about keeping hosts busy and focused on superficial nonsense. It's one thing if those reviews were a true indication of what a place or a guest is like, but as we all know, it's just fluff.

Hi @Annette33 , Now I wonder about account in good standing. Maybe someone didn't like the chocolate or cookies I left for them in their room, and perhaps they lodged a complaint? or maybe airbnb security found out about the time I refilled my soft drink at the pizza shop despite the no refill sign when I was 16. Oh shoot... did I just incriminated myself? Great now I'm even more worried! 

Exactly!  The review rating process is so inaccurate and inconsistent.  I'd like to say that it doesn't matter - but email threats from AirBnb to remove you from searches and pull your listing when your star ratings fall below 4.5 is a life and death financial situation for me.