Taxonomy of hosts

Taxonomy of hosts

You must know that I catalog the hosts, I look at them with the eyes of the anthropologist, sometimes I recognize myself (as a chimpanzee recognizes one of his kind), and I distance myself at the same time. After five years of assiduous attendance of this type of activity, I think I managed to trace a more or less exhaustive phenomenology (surely there are many other types of hosts that my research has not intercepted).


The degraded host, the one who lost the superhost qualification and has been in analysis for three months: only the qualification of superhost fuels his thirst for visibility and gratification.


The hunter host considers the guest as a prey. His action is aimed at the survival of his offspring: he follows the principles of competition with the other hosts that beat his own territory.


The anxious host, the usual game against the future makes him enter the panic (another unexpected guest). First he activates an immediate booking, then at three in the morning he gets up to remove it, but it is too late because it has been confirmed and can no longer remove it. Tortured in uncertainty, he can no longer sleep. Stressed, the anxious hosts stress those close to them.


The gazelle host jumps from one apartment to another, all caught up in his result anxiety. A host wakes up and knows that he will have to run ... and he runs, runs, gets busy, always late on time, on check-in, on cleaning, on his son to go back to school, on the husband who feels neglected and in the evening he asks her: "Is he blond or dark?": this Bolt of the short lease is at high risk burn-out (insidiosisous syndrome that affects the gazelle hosts).


Cluster hosts. They met by chance at the park and moved in a pack, talking only about reviews, theft of hairdryers, thirsty plants to drink, dirty linen: they often organize "meet-up", "dinner between host without the patners”. They come in bunches, like hemorrhoids.


Total control host. Its rules are not those of houses, but of barracks. The tourist is contemplated only if early riser. Flag Raising Ceremony. Wake up at 5:30 AM. Bath between 6:15 and 6:20 AM. Corporal punishment is foreseen for transgressors, for those who hide the can opener and for those who put the empty milk carton in the fridge.


The host in constant radio contact with his spouse or with a cluster host (generally older than the Pyramids) to help him: "Listen, Daisy. I've got some Japanese here who would like to know if they can play poker on the coffee table in the living room, will not it be a gamble?"


The hyper-organized host always attached to his iPhone connected to the network. It has a bag designed as a table of Excel: inside you find everything from door lubricant to obviate the annoying creak of the bathroom door that his next Swiss guest will surely notice, to the TV remote control batteries that are exhausted.


Taxonomic host. As a good student, he reads all that is written on the official AIRBNB website. He reads that the guest should be explained everything, using appropriate terminology. "You see, Mr. Wilkins, the slide in the garden works according to the law of inclined planes." "Miss Carol, do not be too close to the fulcrum of the swing, please."


The host "guests just want to have fun": host who gives advice on nightlife and extravagant addresses, not the usual local slippers addresses suggested by the guides.


In moments of extreme boredom, I even venture between the categories. I dream of a gazelle host with a taxonomic host, a hyperorganized one with a total control one.


What kind of host are you? If someone wants to contribute, welcome.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Hello @Emily352.  You are not a host and have been a member on Air BNB since January 2018. Interesting post.   Did you look at other platforms to develop your ideas?



I have never been a host nor a co-host, terms that legally have no meaning in Italy, but for many years I have helped my father (host AIRBNB) to rent some apartments for tourist use and to take care of guests.

It is a very interesting, but demanding experience (the cost and the commitment are not indifferent) and, in some cases, it can become, to all intents and purposes, a second job.


In Italy, the management of short leases (lasting under 30 days) requires an impressive amount of bureaucratic and fiscal obligations. The uncertainties of the different regional laws, in clear contrast with the Constitution - which sometimes pigeonhole you as an entrepreneur without you really being - make you pass the desire to rent apartments for tourist use both with AIRBNB and with other platforms .