guest booked solo stay but decided to have her daughter stay 2/4 nights, how to modify reservation?

Level 2
Bloomington, IN

guest booked solo stay but decided to have her daughter stay 2/4 nights, how to modify reservation?

hello there, 

as the title says: i have a guest that booked a solo stay for 4 nights.  she recently called me to ask if her daughter can stay 2 of those nights.  this is fine, but i have a $10 per second guest fee and am having trouble integrating it into the already confirmed price.  when i try to "send special offer" it says that i have booked the days and that i need to unbook the days to do so.  does anyone have experience with a similar situation?  if so, can you walk me through the steps of this accomodation?  thanks!  

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Ormstown, Canada

@Allison18 Go to the "Reservations" link, select the reservation of that guest, click on "report a problem", then click on "go to resolution center". When you are there you can type in the extra amount owed and the reasson. Your guest can accept the charge and pay it.

thanks for your response monica.  i haven't found the "reservations" link.  could you describe where to find that?