What Hosts are saying

    Tip #1: TOSS YOUR BAR SOAPS! Decades ago I tossed ALL bar soaps and switched to liquid soap. I noticed now matter how often I cleaned to a sparkling shine my bathroom sink, the haze reappeared the following day. Because I was working a rigorous schedule a... Latest reply by Sharon72
    I had an issue arise with the Instabook option. I have had my profile up for a few months now, and made sure not to turn on Instabook myself. Despite this, the last 2 guests that reached out to me were able to use Instabook to book their stay at my place.... Latest reply by Amaris0
    So I have someone asking about staying with us and I know AirBnB frowns when you decline someones request. Is there a procedure to report a possible bad guest? See below for there "heading" BradeyBrentwood, CA1 verificationI'm gonna try to **bleep** the ... Latest reply by Anonymous
    Any one else from the Adelaide Meet Up having problems linking to the site provided for the survey and the FREE DYSON we have all been promised ? Appreciate HELP please or if anyone has been able to actually connect to the web address provided on the em... Latest reply by Lisa36
    Dear all, I have two simple questions. First, is there any way how to contact AirBnB, such as e-mail or chat? I couldn't find any. Secondly, what can I do when verifying my payment method takes like two weeks, which is much more than the usually maximal 5... Latest reply by A7