Which Guests Get the Most Noise Complaints?

Level 1
Scottsdale, AZ

Which Guests Get the Most Noise Complaints?

Our HOA is trying to change our minimum rental period from 30 days to one year, because of the negative things they have read about Airbnb noise complaints. I have been renting a guest house, for about 5 years, and have never had one (knock wood!) but my guess is that most of the problems are coming from large groups renting for the weekend to have parties. I have been looking for statistics on how big a problem this is and whether a 1 year minimum rental clause is really the answer. If any of you want to post your noisey guest stories or links to articles on the topic, that would be great. I think most of us want to minimize our headaches, so the more we know about the problem, the easier it will be to set our own rules to avoid it!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Seattle, WA

We live on top of our Airbnb so I can sympathize - I'd expect maybe 1% of guests to engage in loud noise - arguing, music, tv etc. I think our presence may also reduce this since who would go to party with the homeowner upstairs 🙂 ?


The bigger typical problem for a HOA (having lived in a condo) is insurance for the building (your insurance does not cover the building itself), security and parking.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

 I can understand the restriction to 30 days but how would restriction to 1 year make any difference? If they are loud they will be loud regardless if they rented it for 30 or 365 days. Another question is - what about students who would rent it for just 9 - 10 months ?

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand



Personally I would put in a request to your local Council/ Authority who addresses Noise Control complaints and ask for a break down of them.


It would probably reveal a few Home truths that it's not only airbnb Guests that are the brunt of them.


Councils need to wake up to the fact lawnmowers, blowers and machinery also make up for problematic noise situations in neighbourhoods and locals who also live there having there own parties...