What weird excuses guests used when they were suddenly not agree with your house rules and...

Level 10
Kyiv, Ukraine

What weird excuses guests used when they were suddenly not agree with your house rules and...

wanted to unbook immediately, but you had a strong policy of not returning money back.


I am one of such hosts.


Two of my weird cases were when:


1) Girl booked for few days, read the rules, wanted to unbook immediately saying that she missed the right dates in her train ticket ( which was a lie, the money are not refundable and in her previous message she described all the dates and time of arrival minute in minute)


2) Another one booked for 2 days, read the rules and started to change her stay dropping down to one day stay saying that she is not comfortable with the rules, and I will not sell this day by the end of the day at 17:00 anyway, so I have to forgive her 1 day and drop down the booking period to 1 day, as she is not ready to give up the sum of 2 days stay. Obviously, I refused,  and sold her 2 days. Her review was 5 star, also she wrote that I am not flexible in her hidden message. We are speaking of 26 bucks per night in the very central location.


Both were the heads of departments in world known companies. Share your stories upon this subject, please.

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Princeton, NJ

We keep the basement locked. There a few reasons why. Mainly, it looks like something out of horror movie, and I don’t want guests complaining about it. Also, our personal belongings are there.


No guest access to the basement is mentioned in the rules and in the main text of the listing.


One guy wanted me to come and unlock the basement. WTF? Why? Because he “paid good money for the whole house and is entitled to be in any room he wants.”


The rules? Oh, he didn’t read them. He couldn’t really explain *why* he wanted to be in the basement.


he didn’t leave me a review.



I would suggest all hosts to make guests sign  the dublicate of the house rules on a paper upon the arrival  ( if there is such possibility). Otherwise the behavior limits are too virtual for them.

LOL @Julie143  😄

Level 10
Orono, ME

For me, it doesn't matter what their excuse is. If they are going to break my house rules, I would rather them cancel then get here and break them. I will gladly give them a full refund. In fact, I've offered guests full refunds before in hopes that they will cancel. 

I never cancel. I get money in one direction only.

If a guest shows up eager to break serious house rules, it will likely cost you a lot of money.