Reservas aceptadas

Level 2
Boadilla del Monte, Spain

Reservas aceptadas



Como puedo evitar que el rato de Reservas aceptadas sea bajo?, me escribe mucha gente con peticiones falsas, con una sola noche, una sola persona, preguntando cosas no queriendo reserva. Al final me toca rechazar claro.


Existe alguna manera de evitarlo y no tener la métrica baja de Reservas aceptadas?


Gracias por la ayuda de antemano.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Google translates:

How can I keep the time of reservations accepted from being low? Many people with false requests write to me, with one night, one person, asking questions not wanting to reserve. In the end I have to reject clear.

Is there a way to avoid it and not have the low metric of accepted reservations?
Thanks for the help in advance.



First: your listing must be as clear as possible about what guest can expect and what they can book . If guests sent a lot of  inquiries which do not match with what you offer, it is probably not clear enough mentioned in the listing. An inquiry only needs to be answerred within the time  limit, there is no obligation to pre-approve or decline. But a request must be accepted or declined. Or if the request is incorrect, you can explain why, and ask the guest to withdraw it (all within the timelimit).


Hope this helps,


Level 2
Boadilla del Monte, Spain

Hi Emiel,


I cannot find the inquiry button at Airbnb, only the reservation button...I would love to receive inquiries instead of reservations each time. Could you please tell me where the inquiry button is? 


I would ask hosts to cancel reservation and send inquiry instead each time to be able to reply.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It is not a button, it is a textlink on the listing saying: "contact host". It is just located beneath "read more about the space".

Guest only want to ask a question should use that, unfortunately most of them are overlooking it and sent booking request..

Best regards,


Level 2
Boadilla del Monte, Spain

really helpful and really appreciated.


Thanks Emiel.