Photographer reshoot

Level 1
Dunstable, MA

Photographer reshoot

Hello, Afer a year, my property has had some amazing transformations. When the AirBnB Photog came the first time, she did a great job with what was here. Since all the rooms have been upgraded, I can no longer use those pictures and my pictures are horrible. Can I get a second visit from an AirBnB photog? Thank you!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Jon19 I'm in the same situation, although the changes are not as drastic as yours.  You can certainly ask Airbnb for a reshoot but I don't think they have anything but 1 free professional shoot.  Let us know what you find out!

Level 1
New Haven, CT

I called Airbnb corporate.  They will consider a complimentary reshoot under two conditions:

1. you are a superhost

2 you get over 50 5-star ratings

The additional recommendation was to take your own pics and upload them.  I did that with a bit of work and a digital camera, not a phone.  Lighting was key.  I used a flash and had all the lights on in the apartment I offer.  My pics will work in the interim. Try that.

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

I was looking for same info.  Have made some major upgrades and would like a reshoot.  Would be great if they offered that.