Our first terrible guest, what kind of bad review to word it now?

Level 2
Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Our first terrible guest, what kind of bad review to word it now?

Dear Hosts,

Iam seeking your guidance today.


My mum and I just welcomed our first terrible guest. I know, some day it would happen, now I just need to deal with it.


Pre booking: 1 good review, good communication.

Guest needed information about local transport and I was happy to provide timetables.

Guest asked where could buy vegan milk, I offered to do that, since we offer breakfast.


Arrival: lost the 2 buses I recommended. Got to our home very late, taking a lift from a stranger that took pity on the guest. Thank god Portugal is still a safe country!


During the stay: started to eat not the things that were left in the dining room for the breakfast of the guests, but going to the kitchen whenever pleased her, and picking the fruit from the bowl that is suited for our family. Never asked if could do it, just assumed it was there, it could be eaten. Used olive oil, onions and other products from our kitchen, cooked and left the area in such a mess that the electric cooker had water all over the place, the table and chairs had beetroot juice and skins on it. When my mum got home from work the pour soul didn't had one single cm clean or free to cook her own lunch 😕


She kept garlic, potatoes and other products on top of a brand new chest (white), and even though she helped herself from everything from our kitchen without asking, didn't bothering taking a plate or a bowl or whatever to put her groceries in. The room got a scent after her stay, and had grease in many surfaces, due to her lack of hygiene.


Bathroom was covered in sand, so was the chair in the room. Also left a bikini to drip inside the room, hanging from the bed to the wooden floor. The room where this guest stayed has a balcony... and we also have a laundry area that guests can use.


In the middle of the night opened my mums bedroom door, luckily she had it locked!!!

During the day she entered other guests rooms without permission, scaring them and leaving them uncomfortable. Usually people like to chill in their rooms and they don't feel the need to look themselves inside, most of the times their doors are open or partially open.


During her stay I tried to speak with her in a reasonable way, so everyone felt comfortable and trying to avoid to evict her. Nothing worked, I think she pretended to agree with me and then did all again. Today I think I should have asked her to leave, since the discomfort my mum was put was not worth it.


During the stay of this guest I contacted the previous host, inquiring about the positive review they left. The host insisted she was lovely but required "special assistance", and said nothing more. 

I wished there was a fair review of this person before I accepted her booking.


Thats what I want to do now, but at the same time nobody wants to scare future guest from booking with us.

What's your advice on how to word the review for this guest, since Iam defiantly not recommending her.

Thank you for your time.

11 Replies 11
Level 2
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Just use what you wrote above 🙂

Level 2
Woodbridge, United Kingdom

Write an honest review maybe not with all the details but if nobody writes honest hosts reviews how can we hosts help each other?
I am in the same situation and I wrote a true review today to my guests who should never have used Airbnb.
You can always reply to the review and if she writes something that's not true you can report it to Airbnb
Level 10
Boulder, CO

So sorry @Daniella2!  I recommend keeping the review short and not going into all of the details.  Even though we give the guests star ratings for different categories, I have never seen these ratings for myself (as a guest) - so be honest with those.  You can also give the guest a thumb's down which is not visible to the guest or any hosts.  


Consider saying that she should book "private accomodations without shared spaces".   

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Keep it very simple - along the lines of....


This guest has a limited understanding of acceptable boundaries when sharing a home with you and other guests. Because of that I would suggest that this guest is more suited to a hotel environment rather than a family home.

Thank you for your inputs, @Tora-Birgitte0@Stephanie6 and @Gerry-And-Rashid0.

Before I wrote this post I've been reading a lot, and still wasn't satisfied with want I should do.

I will definitely  give a thumbs down, it only makes sense and low star rating.

Its the comment that Iam not sure about it.

Like @Stephanie6 mentioned, it's importance to keep the cool, be neutral and resume.

I like @Gerry-And-Rashid0 suggestion, but... If I was reading it, would that be enough? Wouldn't I like to know how big of a disaster she was? And no, I don't want to make a drama review, really I don't, should I had something like " left an electric cooker working covered in water=electric hazardous", or she didn't look well after my belongings/house?? Sorry English is not my native language.


I forgot to say that she let the toaster on during all night, risking to get our kitchen on fire. We had the house fully booked, so I asked everyone if they forgot it on, and to make sure they turn it off after using any device. She used the toaster after trying to open my mums door during the night...Also claimed that didn't eat bread, so not sure what she was doing with it.


Heres the deal:

Her previous host does not share the house with the guests, like we do. Big difference.

if I was renting let's say a house, maybe I wouldn't care so much what kind of guest I was hosting, do I make sense? Also the other host didn't had other guests at the same time this guest was staying there, so nobody to be disturbed.

Hi @Daniella2, The short review written by @Gerry-And-Rashid0 is clear for future hosts.  However, her lack of care when using small appliances is an issue!  I wonder if she was sleep walking.  Maybe add "she left some kitchen appliances on after using which could have caused a fire."

No matter how careful you are in your review, please just end it with "I would not recommend this guest to anyone, and will not let her stay with me again".  You need to let all hosts know how awful this guest is. 

I agree with @Helen56! Make it abundantly clear that this guest is a potential hazard to herself and definitely others.

You could add "she needs constant supervision to safeguard from damage or destruction."

Level 2
Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Thank you @Stephanie6@Helen56@Andrée2.


I was leaving the review to the end of the 14 days period allowed, but 2 days before it ended the guest reviewed me... 3 rating overall!!! And guess what, no private comments with notes for us to improve on this or that. Typical, right?!


Lesson learned, next time will invite guest like this to leave. It's simply not worth it the hassle, and they will never appreciate what you tried to do to make it work.


Now I need to sleep on it and write a public reply 😕

Consider using the phrase,"guest may be more suited for hotel". Very disappointed and would not recommend to airbnb community.

Consider using the phrase,"guest may be more suited for hotel". Very disappointed and would not recommend to airbnb community.