Guests accessing property

Level 1
Busselton, Australia

Guests accessing property

Hi, Just starting using Air BnB, I am hosting my property and wondering if I need to tell guests how to access the property and address, or do air bnb do this for me?

2 Replies 2

@Charlie99, welcome to hosting!

You are the person who writes all the instructions and directions.

In fact, you can assume that any and all information about your listing will we produced by you.

The only stuff on the page that comes from AirBnB is the map at the bottom (and the text above the map, which starts with the title "The Neighborhood"). And, of course, what follows: The "Similar Listings" and the "Explore Other Options..."

One more thing: The Reviews come from the Guests.


Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Charlie99   hello Charlie, I'm Rob an Airbnb Superhost from Australia!

The information you need to have a guest see you should put into the Guest resources section of your listing description.

To do this proceed as follows.

1/. Log on and click on 'Host'

2/. From the drop down menu select 'Listings'

3/. Next to the listing lead photo select 'Manage Listings' will now be on your listing editing page.

4/. The first item on the scroll line at the top of the page will be 'Listing Details', scroll down past your listing description until you come to a section that will be headed 'Guest Resources', click 'Edit' and put everything you would like the guest to know about your property in this section. Charlie it will not be shown to a guest until they confirm a reservation with you. It is in this section that you put the exact listing address including your postal code (can't tell you the number of times a listing has shown up in another state because the post code was not included), your WiFi, any entrance details that you would like the guest to have. In short Charlie put anything in this box that the guest will need to know to enter and have the use of your listing.

When you have put this information in remember to click 'Save Changes' and then when a guest has booked your property on there confirmation when they click 'View Itinerary' under house rules will be displayed this information you have given.

Charlie I hope this explains how to get required information to the have to do it, not Airbnb!


If there is anything else you need to know....let me know hey!

