Extra Long Description for Listing

Level 1
Gold Canyon, AZ

Extra Long Description for Listing

Hi, I'm new to AirBnB, and have started populating two listings.  There is one listing I'm styling mine after and I noticed they have an extra description, much longer and detailed called The Space with different wording than the 500 character paragraph at the top of the listing.  The second description on their listing follows Pricing and goes into much better detail.  I don't have that available to me, when creating my listings, to put more details that would be a benefit to the guest to know.  How can I do what they did?  Is that another feature which only appears after the listing is published, like the Cancellation?  Cancellation starts with Flexible and I found it can only be changed after the listing is published.  Also, my charge per extra guest does not show on my preview of the listing.  I go back in and it is there, set up as I want it but does not show anywhere in the listing preview. Thanks for any help.  One would think that all these could be done before being published, but without publishing it I don't know.

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Strathpeffer, United Kingdom

@Steven55, there are many features of the listing that are only avaialble once you have published it. So it's very imortant that as soon as you have published it you go in and check every single menu item to make sure you have got it correct.


I can't recall exactly but I think the long description is one of those that appears after publishing. Go to Host -> Manage Listings -> Calendar and More then in the menu on the left scroll down to Guest Resources and you will see Detailed Description there which isn't limited to 500 characters.



Thank you!!

Of course waiting till AFTER it is "published" makes NO SENSE!


New hosts should be able to peruse through the entire process ahead of time so they can be prepared with thought out content, etc when the set it up.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I would suggest that as guests usually do a superficial read, an extra long descritpion is not of value. Best to have great photos, a concise description, clear house rules. etc rather than asking people to read War and Peace! Good luck

Thanks, I will add some more pictures.  In 500 words I can only state to them we're near the Grand Canyon, and in cooperation with Apache-Sitgreaves Research Center they can have a telescope operator give them a tour of the night sky with a 36-inch diameter telescope (15-feet long and 1-ton).  What there's no room for is the entire facility is off-grid running on solar, water is hauled in, the separate shower building has hot and cold water(!) and the separate restroom has running water, ceramic corner-mount sink and a camping toilet.  Rustic camping for sure, but still some nice amenities that make staying there a pleasure.

I think it depends on the guest. I have had people comment that they liked how thorough and detailed my listing was. As a guest, I would appreciate a more thorough listing as someone who has put forth more effort into detailing what they are offering in the listing.