A guest who raved about my place on the review but put 1 star

Level 1
Louisville, KY

A guest who raved about my place on the review but put 1 star

Does anyone know how to talk to Airbnb. Like actually talk? I had a guest who left a lovely review both at the house and in the onine log and then left a 1 star. I can no longer get a hold of him. I just realized this was why my rating is lower than it should be. Any ideas about how to resolve this?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Rochester, WA

Getting a one-star review would be so upsetting!  You didn't explain why you can't reach your former Guest.  Are they not answering your emails or phone calls or texts?  I ask that because you can still reach out to them.  If they left your listing in good condition then this does sound like it may be an error.  I know I make stupid errors sometimes.  I would contact Airbnb directly.  And their numbers are available in many places throughout this Help Community.  But, I'd do my best to contact your Guest directly, asking if it were possible that there was a mistake in the rating since "I know you loved my place," and explaining how important the star rating system is, and that we really need to work together to get this corrected.  Airbnb will be limited in what they can do - since it is the Guest that submitted that rating, and I'm wondering if it was simply a quick review and a confused selection on the computer.  ??  Good Luck!