A customer threatened to shoot me.

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

A customer threatened to shoot me.

I am interested in starting a topic about something that happened to me on 2/22/19. I am a new host to air b&b and I have been waiting for a claim to be handled. 


I had had an incident happen at my home on 2/22/19. A customer was angry about not getting his money back, after canceling on his own behalf. 


He he tried to host a party at my place, as well as have extra people over without paying an extra charge. 


This is the email that I sent to air b&b customer service- after they exprected me to reply within 6 minutes of receiving their email - and did not reply to mine within 6 minutes; 



I was told to wait for a resolution and I have not received any additional emails. 
I am confused as to why Melanie c has not replied when she sent an email at 8:19 am and I replied at 8:25 am - only 6 minutes later? - I was also hung up on - again as well by another customer service representative after being told to wait. 
If I do not receive a reply today I will be escalating this to a lawsuit. 
I was asked in multiple calls to wait for a response from them, and I was hung up on. 
You all have not handled my claim, which requires industrial grade locks, these are not normal locks. 
The company I choose to change my locks with, is none of your choosing - unlesss I was sent a list of locksmiths to choose from in the state of California, you all are by- law required to change my locks after a police report was filed and threats were given. 
This patron is a pathological bully and liar. He lied to the police multiple times, as well as called me names and threatened my life. This is my home and my studio. This is a legal issue at this point and I am very upset with the way you all treat your female patrons.
This customer was fully aware that the queen bed I have shown was not down, I told him when I walked him in that, he could have me put them down. He denied. He then proceeded to say he was angry, because he did not have the beds down. This was a ploy to get his money back. I have had multiple people rent my studio to stay. It is a gorgeous downtown loft, and is fun and interactive. This patron also said he was going to have a party at my place and have more than 10 people over, which is against my house rules, unless paid for an extra charge per person, this is why he was angry because he did have enough beds to accommodate the extra people he was bringing over. 
He also proceeded to say that he would move things so nothing gets broken, after it clearly states that he is not allowed in the studio area.
This customer has put me in danger, fearing for my life everyday. 
I then proceeded to leave, I saw this patron go back and forth multiple times on my cameras. This customer threatened me, as well as lied. 
He is a threat to air b&b and any of your hosts. 
I will need this resolved today, as I have an upcoming reservation and will have to discontinue using this service if not handled properly. 
It has has been more than 6 minutes at this point and I am still waiting on a reply. 
Any any help on this guys ? What should I do ? 





19 Replies 19

Air b&b is now claiming that I called the customer a racial slur with no proof or any valid documentation. I filed the report with LAPD 2 weeks ago. There was no mention of this and it is a ploy. This also blocked me from posting in the community center and they refuse to reply. All I want is my locks changed. I have legal documentation against this patron and they are still “reviewing the case” is there anyone who can help me on this ? 

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

I must say I’m finding this very hard to follow with the host posting on two separate Airbnb accounts... may I ask why you have two separate accounts? I don’t even know who to tag... @Vara1  or @Vara2 ...

Level 10
Boston, MA

@Vara1 you might be able to just have your locks re-keyed (change of cylinder) rather than changing the whole lock - it would be cheaper.  Locksmiths will know how to do this, and maybe it will come in under the price Airbnb has paid you. 

Level 10
New York, NY

@Pam290 Would you mind starting a new conversation about this?  This thread is about @Vara1 and her locks, and that story is quite confusing enough.  I think many hosts would like to read your story and offer their sympathies on the loss of your grandson, as well as on the frustration you are suffering with cancellations and payouts.

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

yes @Pam290  please start a new thread.  The sitaution you are describing is heartless and barbaric on Airbnb's part... I am so sorry for your loss and the added stress this has caused you. I am certain the community (caring as it is) would love to assit you with as much advice as possible, so I do sincerely recommend starting a new thread.