airbnb hell

Level 2
Ljubljana, Slovenia

airbnb hell

Dear Airbnb,

In the beginning Airbnb was a revolution, gave common people opportunity to earn an extra money and gave them bigger freedom.

We could say ,that Airbnb's ''mission'' was even nobel, because with all of positive consequences in  the past, Airbnb significantly improve our civilization and made friendships all over the World.

But now is just bad creature  of all mentioned. Because of incompetence of some your employes Airbnb become even big security risk.

In my recent case a potential guest living near my Home tried 3 times to book my room in my Home. After his second inquiry I reported a profile and send a message to Airbnb.

But this particular guest was able, despite all this, to book a  room in my Home the third time using last minute IB reservation. So, Airbnb reveled him a telephone number and exact address.

I am very uncomfortable with this situation and unlisted my offer for life.

Because of my financial lost and security risk I want a compensation from Airbnb. I will wait one day for Airbnb to offer me a compensation and after I will go to our Cort and Media.


Best regards



7 Replies 7
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm sorry to hear you've had these problems, @Tomaž4, but many would argue IB is tricky in these situations.


As an FYI, this forum isn't managed byAirbnb, so if you would like to complain, you will need to contact them.

Level 2
Ljubljana, Slovenia


Thank you for your replay.

Sometimes is not easy to contact them. Maybe you can help me with that and forward my message to them.

Best regards

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Perhaps you'd like to message them yourself, @Tomaž4 (I'm not a postbox I'm afraid).

You can find details at this link:

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

@Tomaž4  Not clear on why you didn’t want this guest to book? Did he have poor previous reviews? 

if you use IB how were you able to turn him down twice?


If you were uncomfortable with him, you could have blocked his profile so he couldn't book with you. 


If you use IB then anyone who meets your criteria can book. Why would you expect compensation from Airbnb in these curcumstances? 

Level 2
Ljubljana, Slovenia


He wanted to make booking out of my booking requirements, twice. I did not feel comfortable with this particular guest because of this reason. And then he tried third time again. He was able to make IB but I reported a profile and sent a nice message to Airbnb already when he tried to come in my home second time. So the guy really insists to come in my Home. It is odd.

@Tomaž4  That sure sounds like a lot of trouble to go to instead of just deactivating Instant Book.

Level 2
Ljubljana, Slovenia


Just to let you know. It is a new profile with no reviews from the guy living nearby my Home.

Regards and goodbye