Why was my price changed

Level 2
Lexington, KY

Why was my price changed

I have a basic price of $100 a night. I do not use Smart Price . I  oticed on my listing a added button  Reserve for $75.  I have had someone book for $75 a night and I'm not happy. I didn't authorize this.  Then I had a person message me that it showed $50 a night but when they hit the Reserve button the price did go up to $100. Then they weren't happy. What's going on? I don't want my base price changed. How do I prevent this from happening? 

1 Reply 1
Level 7
Paris, France


Encountered (and others) this problem once. Price appeared lower on a month. Strange.

A guest booked, I claimed. Saying Airbnb it was a platform bug.

But the Airbnb guy, with an unbearable shrill voice, was pretty rude.

Pretended I was insulting him on the phone, thus would denounce me to Airbnb...

Since then (2019), and for other reasons, I cannot stand Airbnb any more.

Good luck with them.