We split the income with co-host. Who gets the cleaning fee?

Level 1
Bp, Hungary

We split the income with co-host. Who gets the cleaning fee?



I have a co-host that get 30% of the income. I separately pay for cleaning.

I can't understand what doest Airbnb do with cleaning fee.  Does it split it also 70/30% ? Or all 100% of cleaning fee minus Airbnb service goes to the host?

What is the policy?


Thank you



5 Replies 5
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Depends how you have set up your listing . How do you pay your cleaner @Natasha543 

Level 1
Bp, Hungary

@Helen3  I have a co-host, who is not cleaner and we split income by 70/30%. separately I pay for cleaning outside of Airbnb.

Question is where does "cleaning fee" we set on Airbnb goes - to host or to co-host or it is also splits. 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

It goes to you obviously as you're paying the cleaner. @Natasha543 


 30% is quite high as a cohost fee  . Usually it's more like 15-20%. 

@Helen3 Hi, it is not obvious, since Airbnb treats it as additional income, i think it iincludes this fee inside final sum, extract Airbnb persentage and after it split 70/30% between me and co-host. That means that Host doesnt't get a 100% cleaning fee, but only 70%. Or I am not right?


I reformulated to make it more clear what i am curious about:



I am a host . I have a co-host who manages bookings, but not cleaning. Host (me) pays directly to cleaner outside of Airbnb. 

We share income with co-host by 70/30% . It is done automatically using Airbnb sharing payment system.


In my booking i have a cleaning fee. 

I am curious if Airbnb includes this cleaning fee in a final sum, and also splits it between Host and Co-host as 70/30%? Or maybe it sends 100% of cleaning fee directly to host?

Can I set cleaning fee to go to host only?


Thank you.



Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Natasha543  Yes, the split will include all the money acquired during that booking.  I am not sure if the cleaning fee can just go to the host, you should ask Airbnb if they can do that.  Alternatively, reduce the amount you pay your cleaner/co host outside of Airbnb by the appropriate amount they are already getting paid within the booking.