Viewing reviews of potential guests

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

Viewing reviews of potential guests

Hi all 


Do you allow possible guests to view your place personally before the make desicions to commit to booking? I'm getting these request and feel it's not necessary since your profile give an idea what to expect. Please advise your take on this.. 

2 Replies 2
Level 4
Freiburg, Germany

Hi, no I do not allow people to view and would also recommend not to. They should read the description and I also say if they have questions then they should please ask. This is also for your safety, and if someone insists then this might be your answer to wether you want to host them or not 🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Like @Maj-Britt0, I don't allow people to view first. They're renting a place, not buying it.