Trips Reviewed category

Trips Reviewed category


I am happy with your site.


Please, I need your help - 

What you’re doing well
Trips reviewed
i have question - what it meen ,, Trips reviewed" , What action is required is that this percentage rate is higher than 50%.
Thank you very much for your attention
best wishes,
Ia Kublashvili
1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Ia6  I hope you are well!


"trips reviewed" is a tricky one, hosts will often think this is a measure of reviews that hosts leave for their guests (logical and would make sense)


But in fact, this is a measure of the number of your guests that review YOU after their can be a hard one to have an effect on, as really it is out of your hands.


When a guest is departing I always thank them for staying, and say that I will leave them a review, and as soon as I have made sure that the apartment/space/room is in good condition I will leave a review as soon as the prompt email arrives- this will always sends a trigger email to the guest and prompts the guest to know what I have written and therefore leave a review too 🙂


Best wishes


Paul  🙂