Tourist Tax in my city is lower than the minimum of an extra fee

Level 1
Szeged, Hungary

Tourist Tax in my city is lower than the minimum of an extra fee

Hi All,

By each reservation with guests above 1 person I need to reconfigure the price and add HUF 500 (cca. $ 2) per night per person to the price. It's such a low amount and I'm quite unconfortable with adding it and I think guests are unconfortable too. However I need to add this since there is no other option as the minimum extra price per person per night is the triple of it (HUF 1500) and it's not an option to charge guests with 3 times more. Not paying tourist tax is also not an option for me and with for example 4 guests for 12 nights it is a significant amount.

Do you think Airbnb can/will ever change this setting or add some country-specific solution? In case yes, whom may I contact?

Thanks in advance.

3 Replies 3
Level 2
LaFayette, GA

How do we add a tourism tax? Our city has just added one and don’t know how to apply it to my bookings!

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


There is feature to add taxes to a listing under "local laws"., But it is only available when using "professional tools" and i learned in some parts of the world it is not available at all (?)



Level 2
LaFayette, GA

Thank you for this!