Soon, we won't be able to see guests' full names and phone numbers anymore?

Level 10
Boise, ID

Soon, we won't be able to see guests' full names and phone numbers anymore?

Hi, All--


As some of you my have seen in a different post, a host mentioned that she recently received an email from Airbnb in regards to "upcoming changes".   Apparently, the biggest change will be that we will no longer be able to see a guest's full name and phone number?  This just sounds unbelievable to me.  Has anyone else gotten this email/heard of this?

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Orono, ME

@Ann489 I was under the impression that this was only when reservations are synced to external calendars. So no more guest name and only the last for digit of the cell phone # will show on other calendars. I think this is what is happening. I am not step up to sync to external calendars so I did not get the email.

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Hi Ann, i haven't received anything from Airbnb telling me I won't get a guest's surname or telephone number.  As you said, that would be unbelievable!  And unacceptable!

Level 10
Somerville, MA

@Ann489 I believe that the complaints of this are from people who use iCal as their calendar. AirBNB will not be sending out guests' personal information to the synced calendars. If you use the AirBNB calendar, you shouldn't see a change.

@Susan151    @Jeff158    Thank you, for clarifying!   It sounded a little odd to me!

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

As mentioned by @Emilia42  & @Susan151  its about synced calender's



I can understand the privacy, it would just make it more work to communicate check in instructions seeing that I use to be able to send them automated text messages with instructions before this change. I hope they change it back