Neighbor complaint

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

Neighbor complaint

We had a guest where her flight was delayed and she arrived at 3am. I did give out basic instructions on how to get to the studio, just in case, so that they can show themselves inside. My husband was planning to stay up to show them into our converted garage studio but he fell asleep for 15min when they arrived. During that time, the guest accidentally went into our neighbor's backyard and woke up them up, who then called my husband very angry and cussing him out. We did give our neighbors the heads up before we started Airbnb so they were aware but understandably upset that they were woken up to our guests on their property. (And doesn't help that they work for the police...) 

We obviously are very apologetic and we know that we need to be more diligent on instructions to our guests so these mistakes don't happen. In addition, I was going to go apologize to the neighbors and perhaps bring a gift basket. Just wondering if anyone had any situations with the neighbors, how it was handled and any other implications for us? Can they prevent us from doing Airbnb in the future? 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I haven’t had the same experience but similar as in going to the wrong address. I’ve had a couple of guests who have knocked on a neighbour’s doors instead of mine despite the fact that they had my full address. The neighbour in question is disabled, he had to come down his stairs using a walking stick to get to his front door  in order to answer their door. It must have been an inconvenient especially as it has happened more than once and has nothing to do with him. I apologised on both occasions and was luck the neighbour was very understanding. I suppose the fact that your guest arrived in the middle of the night made it worse. 


On both occasions I questioned the guests and they admitted they had written the number of the property but not the letter after the number. I usually e-mail guest's a day to two prior to arrival confirming checking in details etc. and now, I specifically inform then that they must take note of the exact door number because my disabled neighbour has been inconvenienced as a result of guests knocking on their door instead of mine. So far, this has done the trick for me and some guests even call or message me when they are outside to say they are outside the building. 


Perhaps restrict late check-in and if you are to agree any as exceptions, then inform the guest that they must ensure they do not knock on any other doors other than yours. Maybe even arrange a sign between the both of you so they can easily identify your property i.e., a red traffic cone, or a some object that you can place outside your property somewhere easily visible. Then send them a picture, this way they will know not to approach any property unless this object is in plain sight. I'm sure guests would be accommodating of additional measures you may request given the early hours of the morning.


I don’t know what implications this could have in LA if the neighbour complained but hopefully you will manage to soothe them over before it escalates to such levels, sort this out between yourselves and a gift basket as you suggested might be a nice way to approach them. Equally important are any additional measures you can put in place going forward to reduce possibility of similar occurrence.


BW, Ama

@Amaris0 @Lisa173,

An absolutely top response by Amaris. 

I love the versatile signal ideas, and certainly the suggestion that you must take steps to prevent future occurances is paramont. make the basket big and try to include something that will show that you are serious about looking out for them, having Police next door is a wonderful bonus in many aspects and that is a friendship you should nurture. Choose favourite wines beers and chocolates or a spa treatment. Police work very hard and their homes must be a restful haven for when they return from a long shift.

It great to hear that you care.

Best regards,


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I would certainly apologise - otherwise they will think you are just ignoring the situation. It's easy for people to get angry when woken up during the middle of the night and they may not be thrilled to see you knocking on their door again. But it is the best thing to do...

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Lisa173, Leave the light on outside. Works best in a darkened street... There are no streetlights where I live and for evening arrivals my porchlight is the only beacon on the street!