Need pet/disability advice as a potentially new host

Need pet/disability advice as a potentially new host

I am acute asthmatic and allergic to pets. I have a rental unit separate from my house but it shares the heat, ducts and AC so no pets can be in my rental unit or home. How can I both comply with the diablility requirement as written in the Airbnb site that says:  Host cannot "Refuse to provide reasonable accommodations, including flexibility when guests with disabilities request modest changes in your house rules, such as bringing an assistance animal that is necessary because of the disability"

AND live as I need to with NO PETS. I know my right to exist healthfully in my own home trumps any guests rights but what about this statement written into the Airbnb host requirements that I know upfront I will not be able to comply with. Anyone with knowledge in this area, please advise. thanks.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

This is not for pets. This is for service dogs and emotional needs dogs. @Winifred3 


Just tick the box on the listing saying no pets.


If you read more of this policy it also says that hosts with their own animals or with health conditions or allergies which means you cannot host pets who are a premises - which yours sounds as it does will be exempted.