More guests staying than booked, after instant booking

Level 4
Nederland, CO

More guests staying than booked, after instant booking

My guest has the option to 'Book Instantly", claiming 6 adults and 2 children.  Then sends me a note that there are 6 adults and 5 small children coming. Our website specifically says we have room for a maximum of 8 people. How do I decline the reservation without jeopardizing my pending "super host" listing ? When they filled out the reservation they indicated there were 6 adults and 2 children. It isn't until they message me that they give me the full details of how many people are coming. We limit the amount of guests, due to genuine concerned about the stress on our water well, with so many people coming.Yet if I cancel, I am threated by airbnb that I will loose my superhost status.  Suggestions?

4 Replies 4

Tell them that they have exceeded your maximum number of people and you are going to have to decline. Call airbnb and explain that you should not be dinged because they exceeded your maximum number of people. That worked for me.

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Patricia, something like this has happened to me. Trust me, you should be relieved that they told you ahead of time as opposed to showing up on check in day with way over the maximum amount of people and leaving you with little options.


Tell them that your house cannot accommodate more than 8 due to codes, insurance, etc., something that tells them its non-negotiable. Tell them they are welcome to cancel the reservation for a full refund (Airbnb service fees will be refunded if the guests cancels within 48 hours of booking). If they do decide to keep the reservation tell them only 8 will be allow access to the home. Play it off like "it's your call but let's solve the problem now and give you more time to book a vacation somewhere else." DO NOT cancel on your own. Either the guest will have to do it or you need to call Airbnb as Donna suggested. 


P.S. I limit the amount of people on my larger listing as well because of water and sewer concerns so I feel where you are coming from.

Level 4
Nederland, CO

Thank you all for your suggestions.  I will do exactly as you suggested.  I am grateful for your expertice.