Guests score for property

Level 2
Christchurch, New Zealand

Guests score for property

I’m hoping someone can help me figure out a score we recently received from a guest . 

This guest scored us 5/5 for all of the 6 usual categories , but next to the their property review for us  there are only 4 stars?  How can this happen ? Never had that before . 

We are superhost and always try hard to give guests a 5 star experience 

thsnks in advance to anyone that can explain . 


Simon and Helena 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi @Simon-And-Helena1 🙂

Guests rate us in all the small sub categories but also in "over all" category. It happens now and then that they choose to give 4 in the "over all" but 5 in all the sub categories. Another option is that they only rated you in the "over all" category and didn't bother to rate you in the sub categories. It also happens sometimes and then all the sub categories will show as 5 stars but won't count. If you search this community you will find a lot of threads about ratings and reviews. 

Best, Sandra