Guest make stupid jokes

Level 2
Leverkusen, Germany

Guest make stupid jokes

Today my guest will come before 15 o'clock... He told me... He maked some stupid jokes like he didnt answer my question or send stupid question or answer ("hahaha, habe nur kopiert was ich dir früher geschrieben bzw beantwortet habe.", "Kennst du einen Arzt oder Ärztin wo ich ein Gesundheitszeugnis erhalten kann? Ich brauche es für meine Berufserlaubnis. Muss ich dafür einen Termin haben? etc). Now i feel not comfortable with him. I am not sure he comes from Serbian or Ulm, Germany, but he has both of mobile from Serbian and Germany. He doesnt want to give me the Germany mobile nummer and the reason is: "Ich habe auch deutschnummer, muss überprüfen :-)".  I hope he doesnt make me a trouble. He doesnt come till now. What should i do without any message? Can someone help me? Thank you!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Tucson, AZ

Hi Veronika, your listing is not on your profile page but from your reviews i assume you're renting a room in your apartment. Does he have a valid profile with reviews? good/bad reviews? How long will he stay? I always recommend going with your instinct, if his communication is this troublesome and erratic he might turn out to be a real problem. Cancel his reservation and contact Airbnb immediately and explain your situation.


Viel Glueck!

Do not cancel unless you talk to Airbnb FIRST! The fact that the guest is awkward or his jokes are silly does not constitute a reason to cancel and you will be penalized.

Level 1
Western Australia, Australia

Yeah my guest tells stupid jokes too. I feel obliged to laugh but they're pretty bad