Guest hometown does not appear at the reservation request....

Level 10
State of Bahia, Brazil

Guest hometown does not appear at the reservation request....

I just had a strange reservation request... It does not show where the guest lives... The guest registered this month, verified, sent id, no reviews yet, and no hometown... It is the first time this happens, every guest request I have ever received had here the guest was from... Except for this one... Sent a message asking, but he hasn't replied yet. Has that ever happened to anyone here? I am waiting for the answer, I haven't pre approved yet...

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Luana130 

yes- many times and even then it could be wrong (not updated), they’re actually locals (general rule, do not host third party and do not host locals)... 

If It’s only an enquiry and they are obviously not answering your questions- as you have confirmed your side etc, just take as a sign and move. You only need to decline or accept requests within 24 hours! 
Good luck to you! 🙂

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Pre-approve belongs to inquiries, not to booking requests.


It happens regularly place of residence is not mentioned in a profile.

If you feel uncomfortable with the guest just move on to next guest (inquiry) or decline (request)

Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

Few guests like this one. None of them was local.