Duplicating a listing

Level 2
Montreal, Canada

Duplicating a listing

I want to duplicate a listing but the menu is not there anymore?? 

Can you help me.


Thank you. 



6 Replies 6
Level 2
Montreal, Canada


Level 10
Concord, CA

@Jocelyn1  Clicking on Creating listing. Then you can choose an existing listing to duplicate it.

Thank you for your answer, I already tried that but it does not work... It start a new listing from scratch, no option to duplicate. 

Duplicate a listingDuplicate a listing

Here is the screenshot from my desktop. Do you see this after you click Create a New Listing on your Host Dashboard?

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



At my side the duplicate option is still there,  in (same) menu


Thanks for your answer...  I already seen it before it that same menu few months ago, but it disappeared.