Couple who don't leave rooms etc and want to warn other Airbnb hosts

Level 2
Holliston, MA

Couple who don't leave rooms etc and want to warn other Airbnb hosts

I have a couple who have come to stay for 11 nights.  When asking what they wanted to do here (near Boston) they said they were looking to find a town in the area to move to.  Turns out that she has only left the house once and he twice.  They walk around in there pyjames, he doesnt shave and he is constantly on the phone working and is very loud.  They have fast food delivered and eat it in there rather small room.  Its all very unsavory and unnatural!  


I would like to warn other Bnb hosts but dont want to get a bad review - is there any way round this?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I would simply say that they stay in the house during the day, and that they appear to be working from home which may not suit all hosts.

Any host who does not want guests around all day will know exactly what that means! No need to mention pyjamas.


Level 2
Alsodux, Spain

Hi I agree with Sandra,mention that they like to stay at home,and enjoy takeaway food in their bedroom.
I hope that they leave your place clean.On the plus side at least they are wearing PJs;-)
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I really would not worry about getting a bad review - some others here have suggested some very fair wording for the review. Remember if they do leave a negative review then you can reply publicly to that.