Cohost must have their own account or Airbnb will pick a random contact

Cohost must have their own account or Airbnb will pick a random contact

I just invited my husband to cohost and as he didn’t have an account Airbnb sent an invite to another random contact - Someone called David. It would not have been cool to have that person access my personal account and details. Airbnb should ask if the cohost has an account before they link your account to a random person. It is a security breach. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Julia834  I hope you are well!


Did you input your husbands email to invite him and the email invitation went to a random email address instead, and that random person accepted the invite and became a co-host to your listing?



I sent the invite to my husband ( which he did not receive until he opened an account and  my inbox showed that it had gone to a random person ( who I know)  so I have contacted them to see if they actually received an invite to cohost.