Coffee Drinkers - Please Fill Me In on Something...

Level 10
Covington, GA

Coffee Drinkers - Please Fill Me In on Something...

I am not a coffee drinker, but because a large majority of my guests do drink coffee, I provide a coffee maker in the kitchen of my guest cabin.  It has come to my attention that most people who use the coffee maker, unplug it before they check out.  This necessitates me plugging it back in and resetting the clock on it.  Is there something I'm missing?  Is there a good reason that guests keep unplugging it, like maybe some sort of a fire hazard to leave it plugged in?

19 Replies 19
Level 10
Florence, Canada

I would unplug it, too, @Susan1404 . It has nothing to do with coffee, and everything to do with saving you from phantom power use. What nice guests! 🙂


@Lawrene0 I sure never thought of that, but that might be it, although there are plenty of other things that use phantom electricity as well, such as the microwave.  Thanks for the reply!

Level 10
Florence, Canada

Yes, of course. But the coffee maker is easy. I wouldn't go around unplugging a host's stuff, @Susan1404 , for fear of doing damage. I was jolted awake at intervals all night long once by a small fridge in a listing. I did not unplug it. Cursed it, which is maybe worse? 

I wouldn't unplug an entertainment system, or a microwave, unless I found it unplugged upon arrival. But if I were to use a coffee maker, anything less than one of those intimidating steams-the-milk-and-all things, I would probably unplug it afterward as a cost-saving reflex.

You might want to decline any request to book from me. 🙂 

@Lawrene0  No way - you can come stay in my cabin anytime and unplug the coffee pot too. 🙂 

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Susan1404, I think people see the coffee maker as a kitchen appliance that they use and then ‘put away.’ Similar to taking a toaster out of a cabinet to use or using and cleaning a food processor. I would unplug all of these things when I was done with them. I never really thought about it but people always unplug my coffee maker too!

@Emilia42glad to know I'm not the only one who has guests unplugging the coffee pot.  If it wasn't used so much, I would probably put it away myself, but that little coffee pot gets a lot of use.


@Susan1404 @susan.

ignore the clock. It is extraneous. Also feel free to leave the pot unplugged. Guests will plug it in when they’re ready to turn it on. 

@Kelly149- well  now, there is a sensible idea - ignore the clock.  Don't know why I didn't think of that LOL.

Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hi @Susan1404 🙂

It could also be that your guests use the outlet to charge their devices and because of that unplug the coffemaker? When I started as a host I noticed that my lamps in the room was always unplugged when guests had left. Now I got some of those with many outlets in one (I don't know the name in english - what is the name of one of those?) so my guests can charge their phones/tablets and use the lamps at the same time. 


@Sandra856- I think you mean a strip outlet.  I actually provide a charging area in the living room on a particular table, so they probably aren't using it for that.  However, if that is what they are doing, that's fine with me.  I know it's no big deal that they unplug it, but so many were doing it, that it made me wonder about it.

Thank you @Susan1404. I have never heard the word "strip outlet" before. No, if you have a speciel area for charging then they probably use that. I just thought about it because it was an issue I had when I started out 🙂 


@Sandra856Just so you will know what I'm referring to as a strip outlet, here is a pic of one.  I have my desktop computer and printer hooked up to one in my house.  They are pretty common, but you probably have a different name for them.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Susan1404  That's kind of weird. I'm a coffee drinker- I don't use an electric coffee maker myself, I use a french press. But no one I know who's a coffee drinker, ever unplugs the thing between uses. Except one friend who likes all her kitchen counters completely clear of anything that might indicate that someone actually lives there 🙂 It's always so absurdly time consuming and boring to have to unplug everything when I visit and stay with her, wrap up the cords, put it away in the cabinet every time, only to take it out again 6 hours later and go through the whole thing again.

One of my grandmothers was like that - she was a mimimalist before the word was ever even heard of.  Her whole house was sparse and that was the way she liked it.  Her kitchen counters always looked so bare.