Co-host payout calculation?

Level 2
Auckland, New Zealand

Co-host payout calculation?

Hi there,
I have a question regarding co-host payout. I would like to have a co-host to handling my listing, he/she will also handle the cleaning part. What is the breakdown of the payout?
Let say if the payout from Airbnb is $200, cleaning fee is $80 for the cleaning fee. I have agreed to pay 15% management fee plus all the cleaning fee will go to co-host.
Will the formula be: ($200-$80) X 15%)+$80 or ($200 X 15%)+$80 ?
Thanks for answering my question in advance
3 Replies 3
Level 4
Montreal, Canada

@Daniel1436 I took a look at your listing and your cleaning fee is currently set up at 75$, so the calculation for the co-host payment would be (200-75)X15%. I might be mistaken but I’m pretty sure the co-host fee is exclusively based on your nightly rates (excluding cleaning fees).

Level 2
United States

Can anyone tell me how to set up a account for co host payout?

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello if you have a look at Airbnb Help Centre and search under 'co-host' it will outline how you add a co-host to your account and set up payments for them @Brooke183