Client cancellation

Level 1
Haslemere, United Kingdom

Client cancellation


If a client needs to cancel, I am very happy to provide a full refund but will they get a refund of any AirBnB fees paid as well? If not, is there a way to ensure that they get these fees returned?


2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I believe there are only two ways for the guest to get refunded Airbnb fees if they cancel:


1. If you have chosen a cancellation policy with a 48 hour grace period and they cancel within 48 hours of booking.


2. If they qualify for extenuating circumstances, but then they have to apply to Airbnb for this and provide proof. It is then Airbnb's decision whether to refund the fees or not.

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@Jo464 be carefull when giving a full refund, you could end up losing money

Your guests might have only paid half upfront with the balance 10 days before arrival.