Cannot make bookings !!!

Level 1
Ringsted, Denmark

Cannot make bookings !!!

I have talked with AirBnb about this on numerous occasions ... but they don't find it sufficiently important and are not bothered to get back to me


I am a Danish woman of 66 ... so not a rogue or someone causing problems, I wouldn't think. I have verified with my passport, my facebook page, my phone number - and still cannot make a booking. I am referred to "customer support".


This has been going on for 6 months now -- and is really annoying. I am being told "that I have done nothing wrong" -- I should think not. My last booking was some 3 years ago, was paid in full and have not had any issues whatsoever. In fact, I am still personal friends with the woman who hosted me at the time.


I am even a host myself here in Denmark - started very recently, so have not yet had visitors - but was allowed to be a host - but am not "allowed" to make any bookings !!!


I have spoken with customer services, who say the matter has been "escalated" ... and that I will receive a call and/or an email within "a few days" -- most recently I was told yesterday that the matter had been escalated to "urgent" and that an actual person had been assigned to my "case" (!!!???) and that I would hear back within a few hours. Still nothing.


I am concerned in case there has been identity fraud I should know about .. or something else I ought to know about ... I am very very frustrated and also quite worried now what has happened that absolutely no person in AirBnb wish to tell me about.


Has anyone else ever experienced something similar??


I am due to drive to London with my cat ... for a few days ... very soon, and all the places I have looked at and liked and suitable for pets are getting booked. And really dont want to stay in a hotel with a pet.


1 Reply 1
Level 2
Sydney, Australia

I am having some similar problem. I've been trying to book a number of places in London, but each time I try and book, I get a message saying" It is not possible to book this property. Please call Airbnb support". These places are available as I've checked the calendars. I have very good reviews so it can't be that. I have asked Airbnb for help, that was 3 days ago, no response other than.."we have assigned someone to your case".


If you solved your problem, or anyone has a similar problem, please let me know. Very frustrating and poor service from Airbnb.