Claiming income with $20k and 200+ stays

Claiming income with $20k and 200+ stays

As a host that rents a ton every year, we report our income.  


We did so because we were under the impression that AirbNb reports everyone's...not to mention it's the right thing to do. 


But now I'm reading and understanding that AirbNb doesn't report the smaller hosts to the IRS. 


This is disappointing, but wanting to have peace of mind....what's to prevent everyone from not reporting their income if they don't fall into the $20k and 200+ rentals?  Is there any controls in place? 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Brad-and-Fabiano0  Well......Do you feel lucky?  Like any other income that is not officially reported (e.g. barter transactions) it is up to the individual to report their earnings.    While Airbnb doesn't officially report most hosts' payouts, keep in mind they do have a record of their earnings which can be inspected in the event of an audit.  I, for one, would not like to be in a position of having under reported or not reported my Airbnb income since this information is so readily available.  Besides, anyone can do a search and find one's listing.  🙂