How does a guest cancel a booking enquiry?

Level 1
Brighton, United Kingdom

How does a guest cancel a booking enquiry?

A guest no longer wants to book, but her enquiry is still showing as valid - how do I advise her how to cancel, or close her booking enquiry as she cannot find how to do this and I do not want my response rating affected by leaving it unclosed.

1 Best Answer



Hi Anthony, your question is a little bit confusing! What did you send the host, an enquiry or a request, they are two different things, and all I can do is tell you what happens with each.


Anthony, an enquiry is just that, it's a question that has a time limit on it. It will come to the hosts message stream and the host is given 24 hours to respond. If the host responds in that 24 hours they need do nothing further. they can simply answer your enquiry without either accepting or declining it. The fact they have responded means they have satisfied the algorithm.


Anthony the host has responded to your enquiry so you are similarly given 24 hours from the time the host sent an answer to your enquiry to proceed, or not. Even if the host has sent you a 'pre-approval' to stay,  you are the one who has a choice to either proceed to a booking, ask another question or, move on. If you do not respond to the hosts enquiry reply, after the 24 hours has expired, the enquiry becomes inactive, neither you or the host has to do anything further. The enquiry just drops off the system.

The conversation will remain in the hosts message stream but no further action is required by either you or the host.


If (as a guest) you have sent to the host a 'Reservation Request', which the host is prepared to accept but, in communication with host you learn the request does not fit your requirements and you don't want to proceed, you are required to withdraw that reservation request and you can do that by scrolling down the  information panel on the right side of the message stream under the trip request details until you come to the tab marked 'Withdraw request' Once you do that the request becomes inactive and you do not need to do anything further!

I hope this answers your question Anthony, all the best!




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11 Replies 11
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

Simply hit the decline button. That will do the trick.

Hi, a guest has sent me an enquiry few days ago and I even gave pre-approval. I haven't heard from the guest since then and he has not responded nor confirmed his reservation. Due to his unresponsiveness, I have withdrawn my pre-approval and sent him another message. Still nothing from him. I then decided to click on decline to close this. Did I do the right thing by clickin on decline in this situation? I just want to make sure my stats and visibility won't go down since I declined (even though I declined an enquiry, not a booking). Thanks!

Where is the decline button?


@Polly2 @Roberta89


Even if you pre-approve, it is only valid for 24hrs. Inquiry is just that..... only an inquiry - some lead to reservations and some don't. Inquiries and pre-approvals do not affect your calendar availablity so you don't have to do anything. It will expire on it's own. 

Hi there , so why do I keep getting msgs from airbnb that I have to do something to keep my calendar open?

Level 2
San Antonio, TX

That's not correct.  I keep seeing that if you just respond, all is ggod, but my experience is that if you don't "pre-approve" or "Decline" within the 24 hour period Airbnb will automatically block those dates.


That said, the "pre-approval" is only good for 24 hours, if they do not respond it just all disappears - your calendar unaffected.


I made an enquiry, can I cancel or withdraw the enquiry? I can't find the option. and the host asked me to cancel the request but I can't find it. so frustrating.



Hi Anthony, your question is a little bit confusing! What did you send the host, an enquiry or a request, they are two different things, and all I can do is tell you what happens with each.


Anthony, an enquiry is just that, it's a question that has a time limit on it. It will come to the hosts message stream and the host is given 24 hours to respond. If the host responds in that 24 hours they need do nothing further. they can simply answer your enquiry without either accepting or declining it. The fact they have responded means they have satisfied the algorithm.


Anthony the host has responded to your enquiry so you are similarly given 24 hours from the time the host sent an answer to your enquiry to proceed, or not. Even if the host has sent you a 'pre-approval' to stay,  you are the one who has a choice to either proceed to a booking, ask another question or, move on. If you do not respond to the hosts enquiry reply, after the 24 hours has expired, the enquiry becomes inactive, neither you or the host has to do anything further. The enquiry just drops off the system.

The conversation will remain in the hosts message stream but no further action is required by either you or the host.


If (as a guest) you have sent to the host a 'Reservation Request', which the host is prepared to accept but, in communication with host you learn the request does not fit your requirements and you don't want to proceed, you are required to withdraw that reservation request and you can do that by scrolling down the  information panel on the right side of the message stream under the trip request details until you come to the tab marked 'Withdraw request' Once you do that the request becomes inactive and you do not need to do anything further!

I hope this answers your question Anthony, all the best!




Level 1
Montreal, Canada

Thanks Rob for your kind detailed explaining. Expert. 


Thanks Anthony, I have subsequently edited the post again to give a clearer response.

If you re-read it, it might make even more sense!

