Verification of listing

Verification of listing

We are unable to verify our listing because we don't have a street sign. We ae not able to use the app to complete the alternative option of verification through sharing location and taking photos ... because the app we have doen't give us this option. Two other people have downloaded the most recent app- android and iphones used and still no luck.

Looking at the 'help' we have asked to be allowed to upload documentation as proof of address but no one on the support team seems able to do this. We have been going around and around in circles for 2 weeks - someone on the team looks at our profile and sends a message to say we need to complete verification. I write back to explain the situation, they say they understand, but they all just send the link of help and close the case. Another frustration is they often message at 3am or 4am and give a few hours to respond and then close the case. It is so frustrating and slowly driving me crazy- I am getting nowhere!

They offer the option of uploading documentation as proof- we ask for help with that - they disappear/pass it on to someone else ... who closes our case.


I have been in tears over this.

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi there @Paula2667 👋


How did you get on? Has this been resolved now and you're able to verify your listing? It would be great to hear how you got around this for future Hosts to learn from. 


Looking forward to hearing from you,

Rebecca 🌟



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 1
Martock, United Kingdom

I am having a similar nightmare trying to verify listing - sending me a bit mad - with a threat to block calendar but I'm unable to get support to resolve! 😩😩 aghhh

I am having exactly the same problem. AirBandB Customer services is just not listening to its customers.

Option 1 - App does not work, will not recognise location.

Option 2 - Sending 3 pictures does not work as not everyone living in the middle of nowhere has a street sign


Customer sevices just keeps sending me to the same links for options 1&2 and wont believe there isnt a road sign nearby.


I hope you got it sorted Paula, but it  looks like my only option is to remove my listing