Airbnb Calendar does not show which other calendar a reservation is coming from

Level 2
Neenah, WI

Airbnb Calendar does not show which other calendar a reservation is coming from

As my Airbnb calendar synchs with my VRBO calendar, I cannot see that the blocks are coming from my VRBO calendar.

It just shows up as hash marks on the Airbnb calendar (it used to say "VRBO" or whatever i named my VRBO calendar). At least on my VRBO calendar, it will show me Airbnb synched blocks are actually coming from my Airbnb calendar (by both stating it on the block and a different color coding). I worked with Airbnb support team, but they were unable to resolve this. they say it has never been reported. Well, I guess I consider it reported now. I would like to understand why this happened - i have deleted calendar synchs and re-set them up, updated browsers, checked on other computers - but continue to have this issue.

1 Best Answer

Hi @Walter26 

Yes...this all changed after the Summer 2023 Release. I don't like this either. Additionally, notes are no longer visible on the desktop. All you get is a black dot on the date to indicate there is a note. 


We have been adding a note to each booking from a synced calendar, as there is no other way to determine why it is "grayed" out on Airbnb. This requires hosts to actually click the date with a dot to see the note. 


We share the regular calendar with cleaners and others and used to be able to clearly see our notes for holidays and other special events, without having to click an individual date. This was a real time-saver. That functionality was removed by the Summer 2023 release. 

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9 Replies 9
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Walter26 ,


Have you managed to get this resolved?

Would it be possible for you to share some screenshots or a video recording with me through Direct message? (You can also share a google drive link with me for it.)

Do keep us posted if you still need help with it!




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Hello - this has not yet been resolved.  

As can be seen in the screenshot, the Airbnb calendar is not reflecting WHAT is blocking the "hashed out days."

Those are blocks that are coming from both Airbnb and VRBO, but the Airbnb calendar does not explicitly show either the block note I have on the Airbnb block, nor the fact that a couple of the blocks are coming from the VRBO import.  There is no way to distinguish the different stays.  This used to show up fine on the calendar, and the VRBO platform does a very nice job showing the distinction.  

In this example specifically, these should be the blocks:

10/1-10/4: Airbnb manual block (with a note attached)

10/5-10/9: A VRBO reservation (imported from VRBO calendar)

10/9-10/12: Airbnb reservation (which is the only thing that is clear)

10/12-10/15: A VRBO reservation (imported from VRBO calendar)

10/15-10/20: Airbnb manual block (with a note attached)

10/20-10/22: A VRBO reservation (imported from VRBO calendar)

10/25-10/30: Airbnb manual block (with a note attached)Screenshot 2023-08-06 193716.jpg

Level 4
Rochester Hills, MI

Having the same issue. Any further resolution?

Hi @Walter26 

Yes...this all changed after the Summer 2023 Release. I don't like this either. Additionally, notes are no longer visible on the desktop. All you get is a black dot on the date to indicate there is a note. 


We have been adding a note to each booking from a synced calendar, as there is no other way to determine why it is "grayed" out on Airbnb. This requires hosts to actually click the date with a dot to see the note. 


We share the regular calendar with cleaners and others and used to be able to clearly see our notes for holidays and other special events, without having to click an individual date. This was a real time-saver. That functionality was removed by the Summer 2023 release. 

Glad to hear it is isn’t just me. But also too bad this is the case - what a backwards move this was in Airbnb part. Now without a note, I have no way to even determine where or when I have a manual block on my Airbnb calendar. I think I will have to remove my VRBO calendar sync completely, to “unveil” what is there just for Airbnb, clean it up, then synch them back up. I’ll be moving people to the other Platform where I can to make it easier…

Also thank you for the explanation of what happened. I’m surprised the help desk was never just able to explain that. Thanks again!

Did anyone ever figure out how to get this resolved? Thanks 

Unfortunately it has not been resolved. Airbnb support was able to tell me this is simply how Airbnb’s calendar is. I just use the competitor calendar to actually view what the Airbnb blocks are for - it’s a far superior calendar setup from my point of view. 

Level 3
Tamborine Mountain, Australia

I'm having the same issue.  I don't like it either.